Jurnal Kepariwisataan

Swadia: Higher Education Journal is a distinguished international scholarly publication dedicated to advancing research and promoting critical discourse in the realm of higher education. With a focus on fostering innovation, diversity, and excellence in higher education, this journal serves as a vital platform for academics, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to exchange knowledge, ideas, and best practices. Swadia: Higher Education Journal welcomes contributions from a wide spectrum of disciplines within higher education, including but not limited to pedagogy, curriculum development, educational technology, student affairs, administration, and policy analysis. Our journal is committed to publishing high-quality empirical research, theoretical papers, and insightful reviews that explore contemporary challenges, trends, and opportunities in higher education on a global scale. Through rigorous peer review and a commitment to scholarly integrity, Swadia: Higher Education Journal aims to shape the future of higher education by disseminating cutting-edge research that informs practice and policy, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of higher education institutions worldwide.

With a dedication to fostering an inclusive and collaborative scholarly community, Swadia: Higher Education Journal encourages contributions that engage with a diverse range of perspectives and approaches to address the multifaceted challenges faced by higher education in today's rapidly evolving world. We believe that by providing a platform for scholars to share their insights and experiences, we can facilitate meaningful dialogue and inspire positive changes in the field of higher education. We invite researchers from around the globe to submit their original work to Swadia: Higher Education Journal and join us in the pursuit of advancing knowledge, driving innovation, and improving the quality of higher education on an international scale.